Ngā Tapuae Full Report

September 1, 2021

Understanding Māori learners’ experiences of transitions between kura, tertiary study, and training and employment.

Ngā Tapuae builds on the work of collaborative research reports with Business and Economic Research (BERL): The Education Awa: Education Outcomes for Māori and He Awa Ara Rau, A Journey of Many Paths, which tells the story of 100 rangatahi Māori navigating their educational journey (BERL 2019). Like these two reports, Ngā Tapuae aims to effect systems change in the education sector that will result in equitable outcomes for future generations of rangatahi.


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Nau mai and welcome to our first Kōkirihia annual report. We are delighted to share the progress our movement has made during this first year of implementation to improve education outcomes.