First Nations Futures Program ki Hawai'i
Nā Irihapeti Pitama-Uta’i
Ngāi Tahu have always held significant relationships with our indigenous communities across the world, one of our most significant being our hononga between the native Hawaiians and Alaskans, I was able to witness the fruition of this long-standing relationship when I was given the opportunity to be a part of the 2024 First Nations Futures Program as part of the Ngāi Tahu cohort. We travelled to Hilo, Hawaii where the primary focus of our time was on ‘Ea’, a term that encompasses ‘life, sovereignty, rule and independence.’
We explored ‘Ea’ within our own cultural contexts, sharing insights, and reflecting on indigenous leadership. ‘Ea’, in its multifaceted meanings, served as a guiding principle in our discussions about leadership as we delved into how it can influence and shape our roles as leaders within our communities. What struck me about Hilo was the strong sense of connection within the community. Unlike many other places where disconnection is a pervasive issue, the people of Hilo grow up deeply connected to the land and each other, this connection fosters a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities for the future, and a model of how a community can thrive when its members are united and committed to a common purpose.
The experience brought back memories of leaders I admired growing up, those who embodied the essence of leadership in their everyday actions. These were not the figures of corporate or political power but the taua and aunties at the back who managed the wharekai, the uncles who gathered fresh kaimoana or dug the hole for the hāngī, and the cuzzies that wake up at stupid o’clock in the morning to go dig the hole at the urupā. They were the aunties who called the manuhiri onto the marae, the men on the paepae who day in and day out welcome our visitors and precisely link and trace back generations of whakapapa to tie us back to them. I think of the many men and women who fought for the wellbeing of our people, land, and waters – these people were unapologetically Ngāi Tahu wherever they went.
On our trip, we heard the news of the passing of Uncle Charlie Crofts. To me, he represented a generation of leaders whose wisdom and stories are slowly fading with time. These kaumātua were not just repositories of knowledge, they were the embodiments of our identity, carrying the essence of what it means to be Ngāi Tahu. They embraced our Ngāi Tahutanga unapologetically, standing firm in their identity and celebrating the distinctiveness of our iwi. This generation was characterised by the deep connection to our traditions, an unwavering commitment to our values, and pride in our differences.
The loss of such leaders is a reminder of the urgent need to honor and preserve their legacy. Their stories, teachings, and way of life are invaluable treasures that connect us to our past and guide our future. As they pass, we lose not just individuals but entire worlds of experience and understanding. Imagine if we were like the people of Hilo, deeply connected to our whenua and each other with a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities we hold? Imagine if it was us who stood as a model of how a community can thrive when its members are united and committed to a common purpose – the things we could achieve! It is imperative that we, as the next generation, strive to archive and share our knowledge to ensure that the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage is not lost. By doing so, we continue to honor their memory and maintain the continuity of our stories, values, and identity. This responsibility is not just about preserving the past, it is about inspiring future generations to embrace our unique identity and carry forward the pride of being Ngāi Tahu, wherever they may be.